Pen-Hsuan WangDebezium : A CDC tool2020年左右,我在研究資料串流的應用時,恰巧發現了 Debezium 這個 open source CDC tools 十分好用,且操作簡單,可以快速地與 Kafka platform 整合,如今 Debezium 已經發展成一個成熟的工具了並獲得 RedHat…Apr 21, 2022Apr 21, 2022
Victor S MeloA Practical Introduction to Elasticsearch with KibanaThis week, I had my first contact with Elasticsearch and Kibana (honestly, my first contact was yesterday). So, I found a lot of tutorials…Jan 18, 201812Jan 18, 201812
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Soumyadip RoyMicrokernel ArchitectureA microkernel is a type of operating system kernel that is designed to provide only the most basic services required for an operating…Nov 30, 2023Nov 30, 2023
John XavierUploading array of images using multipart/form-data in swift.When I was starting out as a Swift developer I came across some strange problems that seem easy from outside but hard to find answers for…Aug 5, 20207Aug 5, 20207
In流程駭客|數位x管理x流程by流程駭客 Kevin Wu|數位x管理x流程【SOP製作教學】流程圖教學、重點範例、BPMN符號介紹!本篇介紹SOP中的「流程圖製作」,除了流程圖範例、基本教學外,也會介紹BPMN的流程圖符號使用法,讓你輕鬆、快速學會標準的流程圖製作方法!Mar 7, 2021Mar 7, 2021
Marco UrreaConsuming HashiCorp Vault API With .NET Core HTTP ClientIts been a while since the last time I did some code in .NET, so to keep the habit, today I bring a tutorial on how to consume HashiCorp…Dec 3, 20201Dec 3, 20201
Charles RenderHigh-Value Web Scraping Use CasesPractical applications and real-world use cases of web scrapingJan 5, 2024Jan 5, 2024
Avi RzayevMastering the Art of Web Scraping: Best Practices and TechniquesThe realm of automated software has always fascinated me. When you can gather data from the internet, you can accomplish tasks on a larger…Jul 8, 20232Jul 8, 20232
InGeek CulturebyAnthony HeathA Complete Guide to Web Scraping Reddit with PythonScraping data from Reddit is easy, if you follow certain rules. Is there one proper way for web scraping Reddit? What tools work best? Can…Mar 26, 20232Mar 26, 20232
Balaji SukumaranThe Essence of Aho-Corasick AlgorithmIn the world of data processing, efficiently searching through vast texts for multiple patterns simultaneously without revisiting segments…May 15, 2024May 15, 2024
InPattern Searching AlgorithmbyA060_Samantha SubramanianAho Corasick AlgorithmApr 13, 2021Apr 13, 2021
InNozaOS: Microkernel 的設計與實作byKevin HuangNozaOS 核心外圍的服務架構與行程同步NozaOS 不僅是另一個嵌入式作業系統,它代表了微核心設計思想的實作。在此基礎上,我們期望對嵌入式作業系統 (Embedded System) 研究和設計模式提供新的視角和思考。Oct 28, 2023Oct 28, 2023
Kiel DangAutomated Text Data Extraction and Form Filling SystemIn an age where data is the lifeblood of business operations, extracting valuable information from a sea of unstructured text can be a…Oct 9, 20233Oct 9, 20233
TRAPDOOR LabsKeeping secrets while developing C# ApplicationsThousands of passwords and API keys are accidently uploaded to GitHub every day, putting users and businesses at risk. Managing sensitive…Jul 13, 2020Jul 13, 2020
VAIBHAV HARIRAMANIGetting Started with Raspberry PiThis article is an introduction to the Raspberry Pi. Learn what is a Raspberry Pi and what can you use it for. Explore its features, set it…Nov 11, 2023Nov 11, 2023
InDigital Frontiers — Das BlogbyMarco AmannGUI programming with RustEcosystem overview and prototype application.Feb 7, 20201Feb 7, 20201
DanielBehind Rust Programming Language, Graydon HoareRust Programming Language is like a breath of fresh air for me. Why? Today, we are in a multi-threading era. A program is not just server…Aug 6, 2019Aug 6, 2019
Gear ProtocolWhat is the WebAssembly Virtual Machine & Why should you use it?Key Takeaway — WebAssembly is a game-changing technology. It allows developers to build applications for the web that can run at…Oct 25, 2021Oct 25, 2021