InTDS ArchivebyNick HespeBuilding Autoencoders on Sparse, One Hot Encoded DataA hands-on review of loss functions suitable for embedding sparse one-hot-encoded data in PyTorchSep 28, 20201Sep 28, 20201
InTDS ArchivebyChitta RanjanStep-by-step understanding LSTM Autoencoder layersHere we will break down an LSTM autoencoder network to understand them layer-by-layer. We will go over the input and output flow between…Jun 4, 201922Jun 4, 201922
InTDS ArchivebyBrent LarzalereLSTM Autoencoder for Anomaly DetectionCreate an AI deep learning anomaly detection model using Python, Keras and TensorFlowSep 25, 201914Sep 25, 201914
Shashank YadavUnderstanding Vector Quantized Variational Autoencoders (VQ-VAE)From my most recent escapade into the deep learning literature I present to you this paper by Oord et. al. which presents the idea of…Sep 1, 201911Sep 1, 201911
Sebastian OrbellDiscrete Latent spaces in deep generative modelsMany recent advances in the accomplishments of deep generative models have stemmed from a simple yet powerful concept. The discretisation…Oct 24, 20211Oct 24, 20211
InYOCTOL.AIby沈家豪優拓 Paper Note ep.16: Neural Discrete Representation Learning註:以下的圖皆截自這篇論文 《Neural Discrete Representation Learning》,論文中的範例請參考此連結Dec 15, 20171Dec 15, 20171
Mackerel Chang[筆記][NeurIPS2017] VQ-VAE: Neural Discrete Representation LearningLatent space 離散化Jun 5, 2020Jun 5, 2020
InAnalytics VidhyabySieun ParkAn overview on VQ-VAE: Learning Discrete Representation SpaceKey Concepts of learning discrete representation space in VQ-VAEApr 3, 2021Apr 3, 2021
UnajacimovicAutoencoders… a scary name?When starting learning machine learning on my own, I was aware of the autoencoders and their existence. But from its name, I thought that…Mar 22, 2022Mar 22, 2022
InTDS ArchivebyJoey MachUnlocking Drug Discovery through Machine LearningAccelerate drug discovery by leveraging machine learning to generate and create retro-synthesis pathways for molecules.Nov 23, 2019Nov 23, 2019
InTDS ArchivebyMax Frenzel, PhDThe Variational Autoencoder as a Two-Player Game — Part IIVariational Return to the Autoencoding OlympicsApr 9, 20181Apr 9, 20181
InTDS ArchivebyMax Frenzel, PhDThe Variational Autoencoder as a Two-Player Game — Part IAlice and Bob at the Autoencoding OlympicsApr 2, 20182Apr 2, 20182
InTDS ArchivebyJoseph RoccaUnderstanding Variational Autoencoders (VAEs)Building, step by step, the reasoning that leads to VAEs.Sep 24, 2019115Sep 24, 2019115
InTDS ArchivebyLuigi BungaroHow to generate new data in Machine Learning with VAE (Variational Autoencoder) applied to Mnist…link to githubOct 25, 2018Oct 25, 2018
InTDS ArchivebyMax Frenzel, PhDThe Variational Autoencoder as a Two-Player Game — Part IIIThe Difficulties of Encoding TextApr 16, 20181Apr 16, 20181
InTDS ArchivebyMatthew Stewart, PhDComprehensive Introduction to AutoencodersApr 14, 20196Apr 14, 20196
InTDS ArchivebyChris Kuo/Dr. DatamanHandbook of Anomaly Detection with Python Outlier Detection — (12) AutoencodersRevision: Oct. 1, 2021Oct 26, 201910Oct 26, 201910
InTDS ArchivebyDr. Robert KüblerBuilding a simple Auto Encoder via Decision TreesHow to build an Auto Encoder using random Decision Trees: eForestJan 3, 20203Jan 3, 20203
Octavio Gonzalez-LugoAutoencoder architecture optimization by genetic programming.One of the main challenges in the development of neural networks is to determine the architecture. That means how the different layers are…Jan 29, 2020Jan 29, 2020
InTDS ArchivebyIrhum ShafkatIntuitively Understanding Variational AutoencodersAnd why they’re so useful in creating your own generative text, art and even musicFeb 4, 201856Feb 4, 201856