Sofia SondhFunctional Programming in JavaFunctional programming is a programming paradigm that emphasizes the evaluation of expressions rather than the execution of statements. In…Sep 6, 2024Sep 6, 2024
Nagarjun (Arjun) NageshFunctional Interfaces in JavaIn the previous article, we introduced the concept of lambda functions in Java and explored their syntax and benefits. Lambda functions…Feb 23, 20241Feb 23, 20241
InJavaJamsbyEidan KhanMaster Functional Programming in Java: A Practical GuideDid you know? By using functional programming in Java, you can avoid side effects, state mutation, and null pointer exceptions, and…Feb 5, 20241Feb 5, 20241
Satyendra JaiswalNavigating Safely: A Comprehensive Guide to Optional and Null Handling in Java Stream APIIn the realm of Java programming, null references have long been the source of infamous null pointer exceptions. Java 8 introduced the…Dec 12, 2023Dec 12, 2023
Tioka ChiuMastering Unit Testing with JUnit and Mockito: A Comprehensive Guide for DevelopersApidog is an integrated collaboration platform for API documentation, API debugging, API mocking, and API automated testing. It’s the best…Mar 21, 20243Mar 21, 20243
InTowards AIbyKexin FengDeploy HuggingFace NLP models in Java with Deep Java LibraryA demonstration with HuggingFace question answering model.Apr 27, 20222Apr 27, 20222
Niel de WetSetting the target endpoint URL on Java SOAP web service clientsWhat I learned today — 28 February 2018Feb 28, 20181Feb 28, 20181
Anuruddha ThennakoonEnable SSL debug logs in tomcatIn most of the cases while working with certificates, java and HTTPS with client-side authentication.By enabling SSL debug logs can…Jul 21, 20182Jul 21, 20182
just_a_noobExploiting the Log4J Vulnerability [CVE-2021–44228]Well it looks like Christmas came early for pentesters , hackers and bug bounty hunters. First, the grafana 0-day exploit that made…Dec 12, 20211Dec 12, 20211
Shellmates ClubLog4J Vulnerability, all you need to knowwritten by Touami MohammedNov 7, 2022Nov 7, 2022
Ozgur AlpSimple Remote Code Execution Vulnerability Examples for BeginnersEspecially when I talk with newbie security researchers/bug bounty hunters, they always make me feel as not thinking theirselves capable…Feb 5, 20201Feb 5, 20201
InAVM Consulting BlogbySecurity EnthusiastLog4j Vulnerability for DummiesBy now most of you may have already heard about the Log4j security vulnerability (CVE-2021–44228) characterised as “the single biggest…Dec 15, 2021Dec 15, 2021
Vishwanath ChandrashekarHow to pass your custom truststore as argument to JVM when running a jar fileOverviewAug 8, 2020Aug 8, 2020
RajeshvelmaniUnderstanding Language Interpretation with the Interpreter Design Pattern in JavaIn software development, the Interpreter design pattern provides a way to interpret and evaluate sentences or expressions in a language…Jul 20, 20232Jul 20, 20232
InNerd For TechbyDaniel S. BlancoWhat is a Java Agent and what is it for?Lately, we have been seeing in those posts how to perform some monitoring tasks. Today we will see the Java Agents, what they are and how…Apr 10, 2021Apr 10, 2021
InInstanabyMary ReniWhat is Java Instrumentation? Why is it needed?A simple explanation with code snippetsApr 6, 20211Apr 6, 20211
Naveen MettaUnleashing the Power of Java Instrumentation: A Deep Dive into Runtime MetamorphosisIntroduction: Java Instrumentation is a powerful feature that allows developers to modify, enhance, and inspect the behavior of Java…Jul 10, 2023Jul 10, 2023
倫斯的技術隨筆【JAVA】SpringBoot+Mybatis設置使用 IntelliJ IDEASpringBoot的優勢,由於之前Spring 及 Spring…Mar 4, 2019Mar 4, 2019
BinZhangA simple way to get started with the persistence framework: MyBatis.Last time we discuss about persistence framework and introduced some popular framework. This time I am going to give a quick and simple…Jun 4, 2020Jun 4, 2020