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InNerd For TechbyAWDESHJPA is a standard for ORM.In Spring Boot, Spring Data JPA brings the goodness of Spring Data and JPA together.Mar 3, 2021Mar 3, 2021
InOmarElgabry's BlogbyOmar ElgabrySpring: A Head Start 🔥 — Spring Data Access (Part 6)Working with databases using JDBC and Hibernate.Sep 12, 2017Sep 12, 2017
InDev GeniusbyMd Sajedul KarimSecuring REST API with Spring Security, JWT, and JPASpring Security is a powerful and highly customizable authentication and access-control framework. It is the de-facto standard for…Apr 6, 20211Apr 6, 20211
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InThe StartupbySohan GanapathySpring Data JPA Projection support for native queriesA basic guide for using Spring Data JPA projections for native queries and nested projection objects.May 16, 20199May 16, 20199
Marian C.Using Spring Data with EclipseLinkHow to replace Hibernate with more robust EclipseLink in Spring Boot-based applicationsJul 1, 2022Jul 1, 2022
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Saul TobiasA Quick Start with Spring Boot and Spring Data JPAThe Spring Framework is used to make it easier to develop Java applications. Spring Boot is a project from the Spring team that makes it…May 29, 2020May 29, 2020
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