Joseph MellorDifferential Forms and TensorsThe Levi-Civita symbol allows us to take determinants and rewrite Differential Forms in terms of tensors.Jun 26, 20231Jun 26, 20231
InCantor’s ParadisebyCasualPhysicsEnjoyerGeometry as the Theatre of PhysicsWhat is a manifold, and how do physicists use it?Sep 24, 20211Sep 24, 20211
Joseph MellorThe Generalized Stokes’ TheoremIf there were one theorem to rule them all, it would be the Generalized Stokes’ Theorem.May 16, 20233May 16, 20233
Joseph Mellork-Chains and k-CellsTo prove the Generalized Stokes’ Theorem, we’ll some way of defining a region and its boundary.Apr 1, 2023Apr 1, 2023
Joseph MellorAn Intro to ManifoldsEuclidean space is the natural environment for Calculus, but manifolds allow us to extend Calculus to curved spaces.Apr 11, 20232Apr 11, 20232
Joseph MellorThe Exterior DerivativeWe’re going to derive half the identities in Vector Calculus by introducing a powerful new operator.Mar 10, 20231Mar 10, 20231
rohola zandieDiscrete Laplacian (1)Sometimes revisiting old concepts can give us a fresh perspective. A few days ago, I was working with the Laplace operator and tried to…Feb 4, 2023Feb 4, 2023
rohola zandieDiscrete Laplacian (2)In our previous post, we explored the Laplacian in both continuous and discrete forms, and how they are related. Now, we will concentrate…Feb 7, 2023Feb 7, 2023
Joseph MellorAn Intro to Differential FormsDifferential forms are powerful tools, but a lot of the geometric intuition is hidden behind the formalism. Let’s fix that.Jan 25, 20232Jan 25, 20232
Joseph MellorVectors and CovectorsCovectors are dual to vectors, and they’re fundamental to differential forms and tensors.Dec 26, 20223Dec 26, 20223
InIntuition MachinebyCarlos E. PerezThe Emerging Information Geometric Approach to Deep LearningSep 29, 2015Sep 29, 2015
InTDS ArchivebyRahul BhadaniMystical World of Information GeometryTales of geometry for information theory and machine learningNov 9, 20221Nov 9, 20221
Miguel TaylorGeometric deep learning — Convolutional Neural Networks on Graphs and ManifoldsGeometric deep learning is a new field of machine learning that can learn from complex data like graphs and multi-dimensional points. It…Apr 22, 2019Apr 22, 2019
Kazem MirzaeiNeural Networks, Manifolds, and TopologyRecently, there’s been a great deal of excitement and interest in deep neural networks because they’ve achieved breakthrough results in…Apr 1, 20194Apr 1, 20194
InCantor’s ParadisebyJørgen VeisdalThe Poincaré ConjectureWhat is the shape of the universe?Jul 6, 20196Jul 6, 20196
Luca AmbrogioniAn intuitive look at differential formsForms are at first glance somewhat mysterious objects! Hopefully I will make you understand how natural they are and what they are there…Sep 6, 2020Sep 6, 2020
CasualPhysicsEnjoyerLate Night Musings: EmbeddingsThe Subtle Geometry of Finding Manifolds in Bigger ManifoldsNov 2, 20211Nov 2, 20211
InCantor’s ParadisebyCasualPhysicsEnjoyerFibre Bundles and FibrationsThe fascinating topology of Einstein’s theory of General RelativityOct 27, 2021Oct 27, 2021
InIntuitionbyAidan LytleWhat the Heck is a Manifold? (Part I)A brief introduction to manifold theory, with some topology and analysis for good measureNov 20, 20213Nov 20, 20213
InIntuitionbyPanos MichelakisUnderstanding the Laplacian and the Harmonic FunctionsThere are a plethora of important operators in mathematics that every engineer and physicist must know. We have already talked about the…Jan 12, 20221Jan 12, 20221