Bret CameronA beginner’s guide to Redux with ReactThe toughest part of front-end development?Jun 19, 201911Jun 19, 201911
InTinySobyThi TranReact Hero: Setup React + TypeScript application with a system design — Material UIWelcome back to my React Hero series. Today we will continue to add a system design — Material UI to our React + TypeScript application…Aug 9, 20222Aug 9, 20222
InJsPointbyUday HiwaraleA simple guide to “interface” data type in TypeScriptIn this article, we are going to learn about the interface type to enforce restrictions on the shape of objects.May 17, 2020May 17, 2020
Charles IviaThe equality (==) and strict equality (===) operators in JavaScriptIf you have written a substantial amount of JavaScript, you have encountered a bug or two caused by the equality operator. Remember that…Nov 28, 2021Nov 28, 2021
InJavaScript in Plain EnglishbyBrandon EvansBeginner’s Guide: How to Check Null and Undefined in TypeScriptLearn the basics of checking null and undefined values in TypeScript for beginners.May 23, 20231May 23, 20231
Rafael VidaurreTruly understanding Async/AwaitIn this article, I’ll attempt to demystify the async/await syntax by diving into what it really is and how it really works behind the…Apr 16, 201816Apr 16, 201816
Sydney GarayArrow Functions in JavaScriptIf you’re learning JavaScript, you’ve probably encountered arrow functions, which use arrow notation (=>) to concisely define a function…Jun 25, 2018Jun 25, 2018
InBetter ProgrammingbyJohn Au-YeungWhy Are JavaScript Arrow Functions Useful?And when should we use them?Feb 26, 20201Feb 26, 20201
InThe StartupbyKatherineJavaScript: Arrow Functions vs Regular FunctionsOnce I started learning JavaScript I realized that functions are bread and butter of JavaScript programming language. Alongside classic…Oct 13, 2020Oct 13, 2020
Gemma CroadAnonymous functions in JavaScriptWhat are anonymous functions and what are they good for?May 14, 20203May 14, 20203
InFrontend WeeklybyBstaRLearn Typescript in 15 minutesAfter reading this article you will know more than enough typescript to start writing production applications, assuming you already know…Jul 27, 20201Jul 27, 20201
Reema AlzohairiHow to Record Audio in JavaScriptThis post demonstrates how to create and use an audio recording API in JavaScript. Audio Recording can be a pretty neat feature to add to…Jul 23, 20213Jul 23, 20213
Olalekan SogunleBuilding a YouTube player with video search APIIn this post, we will try to achieve a web page that gets videos from YouTube API, with the help of JQuery and AJAX. The mockup below…Oct 11, 20191Oct 11, 20191
InBetter ProgrammingbyOmar SharakiBuilding Chrome Extensions: Communicating Between ScriptsThings are a bit different in extension land than what you’re probably used toSep 22, 20201Sep 22, 20201
InWe’ve moved to SimmonsGet started with WebAssembly — using only 14 lines of JavaScriptWebAssembly is a brand new web technology with massive potential. It will have a significant impact on how web applications are developed…Mar 23, 201829Mar 23, 201829
MooradHow I made my own YouTube Downloader using JavaScript and Node.jsYou should be well enough able to create your very own YouTube downloader if you have some understanding of HTML, JavaScript and Node.js.Nov 25, 201834Nov 25, 201834
Abhinav RaiJavascript — single threaded, non-blocking, asynchronous, concurrent languageWell, what? I use languages to get my job done. And for me and javascript this process started with building a small game, ajax requests…Sep 3, 2019Sep 3, 2019
InWe’ve moved to IsaiahHow to manipulate classes without jQuery by using HTML5’s classList APIYou might not need jQueryOct 3, 20165Oct 3, 20165
InWalmart Global Tech BlogbyApoorva SharmaWebAssembly | An IntroductionWhat if I told you that you can now write code in your favorite language, and it will work on web. Daunting, isn’t it? I know JavaScript…Aug 19, 2021Aug 19, 2021
InBetter ProgrammingbyNilanthHow To Use Axios in an Optimized and Scalable Way With ReactInstance, verbs, timeouts, and moreJul 13, 20212Jul 13, 20212